Getting To Greece for IVF

IVF treatment and a subsequent IVF procedure are now readt to go ahead and you need to look at getting to Greece! Whilst possibly getting to Greece is not as easy as to some other European countries, there are still direct flights from Heathrow, Manchester, Gatwick and Edinburgh with other airports offering indirect flights. This includes all the major London departure points, Bristol, Southampton, Dublin, Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Leeds Bradford and many more.

Flight prices are pretty much in line with those of flying to Spain with a flight time of approximately three hours, forty minutes.

We will also be able to suggest hotels close to the clinic where we will be offering discounted rates, and offering advice and services of how to get from the airport to your chosen hotel.

In some cases, we will have arranged special deals with some of the hotels to ensure patients get preferential rates. One such hotel is the 5 star Hyatt Regency where we can assure you that you will not get a better rate anywhere else. Included in the rate is a huge 42m2 hotel room, a superb buffet breakfast and discounts on Spa treatments as well as use of the well equipped gymnasium. We can also arrange free shuttle bus airport pick ups/drop offs and trips into Thessaloniki itself. We also have an arrangement with the hotel to include trips to the clinics providing the shuttle is available.

We also work with a foreign exchange company to ensure that you get the best possible rate of exchange and so that you only have to carry the minimum amount of cash with you. All you have to do is agree an exchange rate with them, make a payment and they will automatically make a transfer direct to the clinic.

As you can see from the above, we are doing everything we can to make your trip as stress free and as easy as possible so that when you arrive for treatment you are as relaxed as it is possible to be, hopefully resulting in the desired outcome.