IVF Greece has been created to introduce you to what is in our opinion, currently three of the most up and coming and innovative clinics on the Greek mainland. They offer most forms of IVF treatments including egg donation, IVF,ICSI, IUI, Assisted hatching, blastocyst transfer, frozen embryo transfers and immune/coagulation therapy as standard. (Please see the treatments page for a full breakdown).
At IVF Greece, we have taken great time and care in choosing these particular clinics, our criteria being whether they have staff with a good level of English, how they are performing with regards to results, what type of treatments they carry out, treatment costs, ease of getting there and the level of patient care they provide.
You will also have regular contact with an English nurse with over 20 years of experience in the field of IVF, throughout the treatment cycle by phone and e-mail. This includes the planning of the treatment and all other associated aspects, alongside the clinic staff who will provide their own excellent services.
The success rates of individual clinics varies considerably, so we have chosen centres that have success rates equal to or above average for the treatments we are looking at. We have also selected these particular centres as they offer one to one donors, (one donor to one recipient) and because all of the donors have a track record of proven fertility. What we mean by this is that the egg donor has donated previously which resulted in a successful treatment outcome or that she will have children of her own.
Prices are extremely competitive especially when you bear in mind that the services Greece IVF offer are included in the costs quoted by the clinics if you were to go to them direct.
If you wish to contact Greece IVF, please do so on:
E-mail: info@www.greeceivf.com
If you would like further information on a specific type of treatment, please fill out the online form and we will get back to you.
(+44) (0) 208 133 3012
(+44) (0) 7384 607950
All calls charged at your UK landline rate.
Contact Ruth via Skype (ruth.pellow)
Visit our sister websites for information on other available options: